"Gossip has never been put in the same bag as murder and assassination, but it is in the same family. Gossip assassinates a person's character. And when a character is ruined, a bit of possibility and hope are taken from a man, both of which are death to dreams and ambitions."
-C. Neil Strait
"When tempted to gossip, breathe through your nose."
-T. N. Tiemeyer
"A gossip is a person who will never tell a lie if the truth will do as much damage."
-Owenton, Kentucky, News Herald
"Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops."
-Proverbs 26:20 NLT
"Where there is no wood, the fire goes out; And where there is no talebearer, strife ceases."
-Proverbs 26:20 NKJV
James confirms this with his tell-it-like-it-is-commentary on the tongue, "And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is full of wickedness that can ruin your whole life. It can turn the entire course of your life into a blazing flame of destruction, for it is set on fire by hell itself" (James 3:6).
What a mouth full! I mean the tongue is a mouth full but, then again, so is James 3:6! The tongue, " . . . set on fire by hell itself!" Think about that. On Sundays we sing the praises of our God and Creator and the rest of the week we fire up the tongue and burn God's children to ashes. Walking Flame Throwers . . . that's what we can be if we're not very careful. "Burn 'em good!" can become the weekly battle-cry!
The more I read Proverbs, the more I realize the tongue is the bottom-line of most, if not all problems. With it, and man's sinful natures, robberies and other crimes are planned, people are cut down and cut up, God's name is used in vain and disrespect, filthy language and dirty jokes are thrown out to hearers of every age, lies are spread as well as rumors of every kind, arguments are started and often grow into physical struggles, violence, and sometimes death! People say we need gun control but I wonder how many walking wounded and dead we see everyday who are the victims of a weapon much more painful than guns . . . the talebearer's gossip.
If we want to see strife dwindle in our homes, communities, and churches there is a "sure-fire" (pardon the expression) solution--watch the tongue! Don't fuel the fire and fan the flame. Avoiding the flame throwers helps too. Don't get in their way and don't throw wood on their fires!
Stop throwing wood on the fire and the fire stops. Why? There's nothing to burn, we all know that. Now think about any talebearers you know. Every church has one (often more), families have them, businesses have a few, schools . . . they're everywhere. Proverbs says, "Don't provide the fuel." Gossips find plenty without our help so let's stop giving them wood. We've got to begin with ourselves. We must be the first to stop the flow! Gossips cannot pass on what they don't hear.
Fire in the fireplace is a good thing. It can warm a room, provide light, and make the whole house comfy and cozy, especially on those cold winter nights. It can also destroy the house and everything in it when allowed to burn out of control. Use it carelessly and people can die! It can absolutely consume anything or anybody, reputations or relationships, anything that stands in its way: " . . . the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do" (James 3:5a). It's dangerous when out of control. So is gossip.
"Gossip is one of the so-called 'little' sins that even Christians are often unable or unwilling to avoid. It is, to be sure, a common sin, but can it truly be called 'little'? Gossip can destroy reputations, disrupt families, divide neighbors, and cause widespread heartbreak, and all to no purpose except the satisfaction that some find in passing on idle and malicious tales" (William McElroy).
Can we really do it? Handle the tongue? Don't know but it's worth a try. "We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way" (James 3:2). Sounds like a battle well worth the fight.
Let's do it!
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