"I'm in great shape. Every artery in my body is as hard as a rock."
-Alan Addy
"People take pills because they're lazy . They don't want to exercise or diet. They want to obtain good health by medication."
-M. M. Hoffman
"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time--pills or stairs."
-Joan Welsh
-Proverbs 9:9
One thing has become completely clear to me as I study my Bible: The more I study it the less I realize I know. The Bible is a bottomless source of wisdom and knowledge for those who are willing to dig. I especially like the last two verses of John's Gospel where he wrote, "This is that disciple who saw these events and recorded them here. And we all know that this account of these things is accurate.
"And I suppose that if all the other things Jesus did were written down, the whole world could not contain the books" (John 21:24-25). When I read those verses I wrote in the margin below, "Wow! I believe all those books are in heaven . . . and if they aren't, I'll ask Jesus!"
I used to go to the gym three times a week. I don't go now but I really should, especially now that I am getting older. When I went to the gym I figured that I was paying those people there to torture me! I would give them a check for my membership and they would proceed to tell me what to do. I would sweat strain, huff, puff, sweat more, and groan when I had the strength to make any sound.
Whenever I got to a point where I was comfortable with the weights, I was always told by a trainer, "C'mon, you can do better than that." The trainer would then smile, add the suggested weight, and walk off to let me handle the new load.
Why do supposedly normal people go through all that torture and even pay to do so? Here's why I did it: Because, physically, I wanted to stay in good shape as long as I possibly could. I'm prepared to go to heaven but I'm not ready. God permitting, I'd like to see my grandkids graduate and maybe get married. I still have more items on my "Ten Wildest Dreams" list too and it helps a lot to be alive to do that kind of stuff. So I would still pay to stay healthy. I'm not talking only money here, I'm talking time, goals, planning, praying, and work. We don't sit on the couch pressing buttons on a remote and get in good shape . . . won't happen. Don't expect that. Expect to pay a price and when another workout is over, we'll feel better, most likely look better, and be healthier.
Same with wisdom, knowledge, and the study of God's Word. "Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more." When we take God's instruction, his wisdom, work it into our lives on a daily basis, add more weighty responsibility, and get comfortable with it, we'll get in shape spiritually. Then . . . we add more weight and go again. As with the physical, it will cost us but when each workout is completed we'll feel better and be healthier spiritually. We may even look better!
I know you've heard it said, "No pain, no gain." so let's add the weights, work harder, get wiser, and learn more.
"C'mon, you can do better than that."
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